Join us in creating a brighter future for children.

Legal Notice

Save the Children Philippines website legal information

All materials on this website are under the copyright of Save the Children, a Save the Children organization, or assigned for use by Save the Children organizations. You may view the content of this website on screen. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit or otherwise use the website content in any way except for non-commercial, personal or educational use. You also agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any of the website's content except for non-commercial, personal or educational use. Any other use of the website content requires the prior written permission of Save the Children.

The names, images and logos identifying Save the Children, a Save the Children organization or third parties referred to on the website and their products or services may be subject to copyright, design rights or trademark rights, which may not be reproduced without the consent of the relevant owners. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring any license or right to use any copyright, design right or trademark of Save the Children, a Save the Children organization or any other third party.

If you need further clarification or would like to contact Save the Children in the Philippines for permission for any other use of our website content, please contact us by email on or by writing to us at: Save the Children, Attn: Digital Team, 4th Floor, Sunnymede IT Center, 1614 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City 1103, Philippines.

Statement on Organized Beneficiary Events with Save the Children Philippines as Designated Beneficiary

Beneficiary events are organized by individuals external to SCP and other organizations, and aim to raise funds for the benefit of SCP and/or the children it serves. These events may be held in coordination with SCP or through donors’ own efforts, and/or with or without the foreknowledge of or express consent of SCP.

SCP thanks donors who plan and organize any and all beneficiary events and raise funds during said events on our behalf.

Donors who organize beneficiary events agree to indemnify and hold harmless SCP itself as well as its trustees, officers, employees, consultants, representatives, and affiliates from any and all claims, actions, demands, causes of action and other proceedings arising from or concerning the planning, organization and the conduct of said events, including any excess or untoward expenses, losses, damages, injuries, deaths, and other such occurrences resulting therefrom.


About Save the Children Philippines

Save the Children Philippines has been working hard every day to give Filipino children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for and with children to positively transform their lives and the future we share.

DSWD License No.: DSWD-SB-L-00008-2024
Coverage: Regions I, II, III, IV-A, IV-MIMAROPA, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, CAR, and NCR
Period: February 16, 2024 – February 17, 2027

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