On 16 July, more than a thousand high school students from different schools in Alangalang and Jaro, Leyte received a cash grant from Save the Children, intended to help support their school-related expenses. Simultaneous cash grant distributions were held at the Alangalang National High School Gym and Jaro Municipal Civic Center. Parents who accompanied their children during the distribution expressed their gratitude on the program.
A month after classes this school year started, many of the students in the Haiyan affected areas in Leyte are still struggling to cope up with incomplete school supplies. Most people have just started getting back on their feet more than a year after the typhoon hit’ and because most of the families prioritize spending on food, children go to school with incomplete, if not none at all, school supplies with them. Save the Children initiated cash grants to supplement families in supporting children’s school-related expenses.
“Even if I had to leave early from work today, I feel happy to assist my child in receiving this help that will support us in buying things he needed in school,” said Nimfa, a mother of one of the cash grant recipients in Jaro.