What’s your life’s calling?
While some of us may have already found our calling; others might still be looking for answers.
When did you find yours?
Inday Fuentes spends most of her days under the sun – hopping from one house to another, talking to parents and children.
In these homes Inday visits, she’s not treated as a stranger nor a mere visitor. She’s family.
Inday has been doing this for over 10 years, empowering families and ensuring their active participation in improving their own lives.
Inday knows each and every one of the children in her communities – not just by name or by face, but by heart.
As a community mobilizer, Inday educates both parents and children on their rights and responsibilities. She teaches proper childcare, nutrition, hygiene, budgeting, among others.
Her main mission, she says, is to ensure that children can enjoy learning as early as they can.

‘Bulilit Corner’
“This isn’t a job just because you get a monthly salary,” Inday said. “It’s also about how you can support children.”
Inday works with families in urban poor communities across Metro Manila.
Her greatest pain comes from the fact that many Filipino children don’t have public learning spaces. Instead of children’s facilities, most barangays (villages) invest on basketball courts, Inday observed.
This is why Inday supports First Read, Save the Children’s project that teaches children ages 0 – 5 how to read, write, and count.
First Read aims to foster creativity and active imagination among children.
Alongside our partners, we also help furnish “Bulilit Corners” (learning spaces), where community mobilizers like Inday can teach, play, and interact with children.
Bulilit Corners are stocked with books, toys, art and learning materials.

Lifelong passion
Inday started out as a youth activist before becoming a labor union leader, then a community organizer for women.
She wanted these jobs because she cared the most about those who are doing important and dangerous jobs, yet receiving very little security, pay and benefits.
These experiences led Inday to Save the Children, where she continued her passion.
Aside from children, Inday also works with parents, encouraging them to become proactive community leaders.
Inday hopes to inspire others to share a piece of themselves with children, in whatever way they can – may it be their time, resources, knowledge, or passions.
Help us expand the reach of community mobilizers like Inday. Your donation goes a long way. Save a child today.